Stellar Spotlight- Anthony Brown

In the forefront with 10 Stellar Award nominations for their sophomore CD is singer/songwriter Anthony Brown and his DC area based group therAPy. In his own words, Brown shares his joy by stating “Wow…is all I can say. I am so honored and extremely humbled to be nominated,” “I have a great amount of respect for The Stellar Awards and for all of the artists who share the gospel around the world. I’m elated to be considered amongst them.”
The son of a preacher, Brown formed a group to offer an outlet for his musical creations in the year 2000 and called them Answered Prayers. Shortly thereafter, he was tapped to write for Maurette Brown Clark, and penned the hit, It Ain’t Over (till God Says its Over). Answered Prayers would become group therAPY (with the capitalized AP as a tribute to their former name). They would make their debut self titled project in 2012 with the highly charged emotional feel good hit Testimony. Audiences gave their approval and Testimony spent a record 74 weeks on the Billboard Radio charts.
2015 announced the release of Everyday Jesus, making its debut at the #1 spot on Billboard’s Gospel chart and an impressive #11 on the Billboard 200. The CD’s sales were greatly fueled by the lead single, Worth, which spent 20 weeks in the #1 spot on Billboard’s radio spot, earned a slot on the BET Celebration of Gospel and netted the group’s first Grammy nomination.
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