Houston Gospel Community Unites In New Alliance

The city of Houston is Gospel music rich being the home of Kurt Carr, Kathy Taylor, Bryan Courtney Wilson and others. Houston’s place as a Gospel music enclave is celebrated by many including Representative Sheila Jackson Lee, who proudly boasts of the city as a Gospel Music Capital. It was fitting that the people that make Gospel music in the city gathered together for the first meeting of Houston’s Alliance of Gospel Music Professionals in March.
“Make no mistake”, says president Angela Bennett. “Houston is a Gospel music town. We are blessed with such an enormous number of talented singers, songwriters and musicians in our area. We have a common bond, and that is our love for Gospel music AS WELL as the preservation of its great legacy and the continuation of opportunities for us to use and enhance our gifts. It’s good to be here because as an artist myself, I am looking for the inroads and avenues to make the way easier and successful. We then are obligated to pass on the information we have learned to others. I envision that God is raising us up and bringing us together so we can be more effective in what we do for the kingdom.”
Chart topping songwriter and LuDawn Music co-founder Lucious Hoskins spoke during the meeting about a dire need for a platform to provide education to the new crop of Gospel artists. He spoke of there being limited resources during his formative years and how it is necessary to find as much info as you can so that you can make right decisions in handling business and have an impactful time tested ministry. Hoskins also shared the news of LuDawn, his new record label partnership with Cheryl Fortune distributed by Tyscot and Cheryl’s upcoming release (as the first artist on the new imprint).
Bennett also spoke of the need for inclusion and strategic partnerships. “We are many members, yet one body and there is room for everybody because there is so much work to do. Our outreach will cover the masses, artists, songwriters, producers, quartets, choirs and solo artists, radio, tv, digital and print media, and I believe we can work together to take Gospel music higher.”