Desmond Pringle Issues Prayer Call

Impacted by the recurring events that seem to shape the constant news cycle of our nation and the world, acclaimed psalmist, worship leader, singer and songwriting Pastor Desmond Pringle challenges believers around the globe to answer the call to pray with the release of brand-new music. I’m Praying For You, produced by Grammy award winning producer Cedric Thompson is the inaugural single from Pringle’s highly anticipated live recording that took place this past February before a capacity audience in Statesville, North Carolina at the Christian Outreach Church of the Piedmont.
“We are truly a blessed people”, Pringle states. “We are the recipients of the grace, mercy and favor of God, but I strongly feel that God is speaking to us through the various events happening around the world. I often think and pray about the senseless gun violence plaguing the inner-city neighborhoods and the youth in my second home of Chicago, Illinois. Just this week, we were inundated with news about the bombing of the church gathering in Sri Lanka on Easter Sunday and how can we forget the multiple church fires in Louisiana, all of this and more is a direct call to pray, but we are not without hope, we have God’s word on the matter. II Chronicles 7:14 states If my people who are called by my name would humble themselves and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways, then will I hear from heaven forgive their sins and heal their land.”
Prayer has had a significant role in the life of Desmond Pringle. Since the recording of his first CD some 2 decades ago, the National Day of Prayer has held a special place in his life. This year, Pringle returns to Charleston, South Carolina to host the TAP Prayer Gathering and Seminar May 2-4. The event will feature anointed worship and a time of impartation with Pastor Dana Holmes of the Full Gospel Word and Worship Center as well as an Empowerment and Corporate Prayer Breakfast closing the event. Pringle adds, “as people are coming together to pray, if you can’t join us in Charleston for this event, don’t let that be a deterrent to your prayer, God can hear you wherever you are, so let’s pray, pray for our nation, pray for our leaders, pray for our youth and children, lets let it be true when we say, I’m praying for you”.