
HomeUncategorizedHappy Holidays From The GOSPELflava.com Team! Read About What We Love About The Holiday Season! :-)

Happy Holidays From The GOSPELflava.com Team! Read About What We Love About The Holiday Season! :-)

The holiday season is generally a time of reflection, fellowship, and used to celebrate the birth of Jesus Christ. Everything done at GOSPELflava.com is a direct result of the birth and life of Jesus Christ. Our hallmark scripture is John 3:30 “He must increase, but I must decrease”, this is the reason that we at GOSPELflava.com are in operation. Our goal has always been to provide you interesting, accurate, Gospel industry news with a positive spin. We plan to continue this legacy and thank you for your support. We wanted to put faces to the names that you see all year long on our site providing you with GOSPELflava.com content.  Check out what we love about the holiday season!

Melanie Clark-Pratt-Co-Founder & CEO

“What I enjoy most about the Christmas season is that it’s one of the few times a year that we can turn everything off, focus on family, and rest. In the business of gospel, the lines are so easily blurred between worship and work, and Christmas is one of those times that everyone respects as family time. Looking forward to sharing with my family and turning the office lights off! :0) ”



James Robinson– Co-Founder & Director of Operations

“I enjoy the spirit of giving around this time of year. Not just from saved or churched people, but also from unsaved and unchurched individuals. You see the softer side of people during this people. It’s cool to see someone who might be considered a “thug”, give. I love to see kids happy, and you see a lot of that during this time. As believers we get a chance to teach the world about the real meaning of christmas, we can use this platform to introduce Jesus Christ. It’s a great time of year, and the food is definitely a plus lol. Happy Holidays!”


Stan North– Co-Founder & Managing Editor

“One of the best parts about Christmas is digging out those old CD favorites! Some of these projects never grow old to me. They just seem to be specially suited for the cold weather, wind whipped snowflakes, and the smell of pine needles. Not to mention the smell of turkey permeating throughout the home.   Kirk Franklin and the FamilyChristmas” and more recently Israel & New Breed’sA Timeless Christmas” project get picked out first, but my family and I also love spinning “Handel’s Messiah: A Soulful Celebration”.  We have even been known to pass some hours with Rev. Cleophus Robinson and Staples Singers LPs (A Gospel Christmas Card) in the background –and that’s going way back”


Gerard Bonner– Co-Founder & Associate Editor

“The Christmas season is one of my favorite times of year. I absolutely LOVE Christmas music. Something about it just feels right, to the point where I can listen all year long! Growing up in New York, it was all about Chirstmas music and the SNOW! As an adult, we don’t get many opportunities to experience a “white Christmas”, but it’s definitely a plus about the season. Lastly, people just seem to be nicer during this time of year. I love that about this season. Indeed, Joy to the World!”



Dwayne Lacy– Contributing Writer

“I love going into stores, hearing Christmas songs, and watching people enjoy songs about Christ. I like to hear different artists’ (Gospel and secular) interpretations of  Christmas classics. Hanging out with family is always great. There are many without loved ones during this time. I find myself cherishing the moments with my family more and more . I love to eat! So eating my mom’s cooking is a must! It’s always cool to give some gifts or to try and bring some cheer to those who may be down. This season, I plan on being more of a blessing to others.”


Martin Williams– Contributing Writer

“One of the many things I love about the Christmas season is the music and the overall feeling of the season.  It’s truly a time where everyone comes together. There’s so much going on in the world right now, and everyone needs hope and inspiration. It’s important to remember the true reason of the season–giving and sharing the good news of the Gospel, and showing the love of God. Not just during this time, but year round.”



Nakiyah Hayling– Contributing Writer

“This is probably my favorite time of the year! I love Christmas music and I listen to it all year round. I love this season because it gives every one extra incentive to come together with family and friends, and enjoy each other. People are more giving, more loving, and seemingly more willing to share. I love watching the Christmas classics, caroling (yes I said caroling) 🙂 , decorating the tree, and wrapping gifts. It affords another opportunity to show love to those I’m around. One of my favorite Christmas projects is a “Mary Mary Christmas” by Mary Mary, I definitely rock that in my house or at a family gathering. I’m always excited about this time of the year!”


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