
HomeArtistsArtist News and UpdatesArnetta Murrill Crooms Gets Into March Madness

Arnetta Murrill Crooms Gets Into March Madness

Arnetta Murrill Crooms is enjoying the success of the release of her first single Try it Again from her self titled debut CD scheduled to bow in the spring.Arnetta Murrill Crooms  Supporting the single’s release, the Tri-City Singers alum has had high profile performances during CIAA Week and will perform the National Anthem for the Charlotte Bobcats vs Miami Heat game at the Time Warner Arena in early April.

GOSPELflava was privileged to get insider info on the CD.  The noteworthy and stand out compositions come from Cedric Thompson and Carnell Murrell.  Crooms enlists  family support as brother Roger Murill joins her for a feel good duet and she pulls on the expertise of her son Oliver, an up and coming producer for assistance with the five songs that she penned. If that isn’t enough, there’s a off the chain remake of I Am God.

In the meantime, Try It Again is available on Amazon and iTunes and  feel free to take in a command performance of In the Presence of a King to help you get ready:


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