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Getting the New Year off on the right track, singer/songwriter and RCA Inspiration recording artist Deon Kipping releases a 4 song EP A Place

The Stellar Awards, dubbed the biggest night in Gospel music will make a triumphant return to Las Vegas Nevada in the Orleans Arena on

Pastor Charles Jenkins and Fellowship Chicago celebrate the blessings of the New Year with news that their radio single, War is #1 on Billboard

Showing the world that music is a family affair, Briana Babineaux and her kin folk rang in the New Year singing praise to God. 

GOSPELflava caught up with Bill Moss, Jr. to talk for a minute about his upcoming recording, his famous family and heritage and the work

Noted songwriter and musician Bill Moss, Jr. is set to record The Songbook of Praise and Worship on Sunday, December 20th at Detroit's Third