
HomeSponsorBonnerfide Radio Responds To the Crisis in Japan

Bonnerfide Radio Responds To the Crisis in Japan

      The entire world watched in awe and amazement at the enormous Earthquake and Tsumani that occurred in Japan last week. The devastation experienced requires aid and certainly action on the part of the world community. Bonnerfide Radio has responded to this crisis by sponsoring a day of fundraising on Friday March 25th,2011 as they partner with World Vision. The campaign is entitled I AM JAPAN”. World Vision is a Christian humanitarian group that will be distributing relief supplies in Japan such as: medical supplies, water, diapers, blankets, and powdered milk for survivors. There will be an entire day of programming featuring the morning show and three specialty programs. Throughout the day of programming anyone that would like to help can contribute funds for relief in Japan at   www.getbonnerfide.com  

    The Christian community has a duty to respond in whatever way possible to crisis. The essence of the gospel is encompassed in love and showing that love in a tangible way. Support Bonnerfide Radio and relief efforts to Japan this Friday, March 25th. We have an opportunity to make an impact, so let’s do so.  Even after the fundraising day is done, do something!  Give a helping hand to those that need it most at this time. Families effected need prayer, love, and support.

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