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The Princess of Rhythm and Praise is back! Lisa McClendon has returned with a new project, outlook on life, and an indomitable spirit to praise God no matter what. Gospelflava.com had the pleasure of catching up with the gospel neo-soul songstress to talk about her new release, new lease on life and what’s new outside of music.
lisamcclendon5amcdOver the past decade, McClendon has wowed us with her sultry, organic, and spiritual vocals. Although she rose to prominence with the song “You Are Holy” from Soul Music (2003), her first CD release “My Diary, Your Life” debuted in 2002 (definitely worth a listen). Subsequently she released “Soul Music”, “Live from the House of Blues” (2006), “Reality” (2009), and “Christmas with You” (2010). However since that time, she seemed to have vanished. Many wondered, “Where is Lisa McClendon?” Her stalwart answer is, “Home.” She jovially added, “I’ve been home. I needed to take time out to be wife and mother. Plus, my husband Maurice had just started a ministry and I needed to be there to help. I knew I had to put some things on hold. It was hard, but it was worth it.”

Now she’s back! What took so long many would wonder? This wasn’t a 3 to 6 month project, McClendon says, “It’s been in the making for the last 3 years.” As to why, “My story wasn’t done” she admitted. As she was doing life, she was gaining life also. If you are a social media McClendon devotee, she talks about her personal ups and downs, especially her bouts with depression. When many would omit this storyline, McClendon shares it. “I share my truth about my depression because truth sets you free. I was truthful and honest with myself.” She described her time away simply as the color gray. “I was confused. There wasn’t a black or white. I hadn’t had my 5 AM moment yet. I had some stuff I needed to experience.” Then her breakthrough came! In the breaking, she felt the desire to write again. “I started pouring out. Every song is a different place during the season that I had to go through.” Her most liberating revelation was, “God told me, I will never be perfect. I said amen. Now, it’s okay. I’m me and I’m progressing.” Life experiences such as these always make for superb song material for stellar albums. Hence her new project “5 AM.”

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