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This year's Grammy Awards hold a special place in Erica Campbell's heart.  Already a Grammy winner for her work with her sister Tina as

Its a second week in the top spot for RCA Inspiration recording artist Pastor Jason Nelson as Jesus Revealed continues its reign atop the

We told you when we heard Benita Farmer that she was definitely one to watch.  Benita prepares to take center stage as Dream Gospel

Award winning songwriter and Inspired People recording artist Pastor Charles Jenkins' new single War has been effective in sounding the alarm to rally the

Damien Sneed announced news of a distribution agreement with Central South for his LeChateau Earl Records label and the March 3rd release of his

                  Casey J Live Recording Date: January 30, 2015 Location: Fresh Start Church- Duluth, GA Label: Marquis Boone Enterprises/ Tyscot Records   Refreshing, Passionate, Energetic, and Anointed are just a