
KJ-52 and Todd Collins Present: Soul Purpose

When people usually talk about KJ-52, they mention words like: relevant, funny, encouraging, dope, and creative. So what happens when this emcee hooks up with one of the most creative, versatile, underrated and talented producers out there? Sheer magic.

Todd Collins and KJ-52KJ-52 and Todd Collins come together to form Soul Purpose, with KJ handling the rhymes and Collins tackling production and vocals. They collaborate to release KJ-52 and Todd Collins Present: Soul Purpose. The project flows in the same vein as KJ-52’s other stuff (see review of Pronounced Five-Two and Collaborations), and remains fresh, entertaining and hilarious.

“Rocking the Jam” has that perfect blend of 'old school skating rink' with today's dance vibe. Then Collins weaves his smooth falsetto throughout the enlightening “Eyes Wide Open”, a synth-filled jam that really shows what Soul Purpose is all about.

For those who like the beats that would rock any club, “Bounce With Me” is the song for you. Warning: there will be a temptation to wear out the repeat button, it is just that hot. The beat, KJ’s rhyming and Collins singing the hook make the cut a prime candidate for the ultimate summer jam.

Beatmart artist, Japhi Life, guests on the dancehall-influenced “It’s Just You”. Get ready to Thunderclap and reflect on God’s goodness on this hot number.

The Collins Kids Community Choir join Soul Purpose to encourage anyone that everything that they go through is “Gonna Be Alright”. On “You Are the One”, a nice mid-tempo ditty, Collins again showcases his falsetto skills. Soul Purpose express their allegiance to God as Michael Ripoll tosses in his guitar expertise.

And yes, it is official. No one can do interludes quite like KJ-52 —that much is evident on the “WWSP Shout Outs” and “WWSP Testimonials”. These have such a high funny factor that you really shouldn't be listening to them while driving.

CD “Do You Want to Go” has both Collins and KJ-52 singing and encouraging unbelievers to come with them to heaven. With its dark vocal texture, simple beat and rhythm guitar, it's reminiscent of something that Pink Floyd or Aerosmith of the 70’s would do. Very clever.

“I Miss You” is a smoothed-out cut where KJ takes on the voice of God, telling how he misses fellowship with a child who was once close to Him. The Collins Kids Community Choir join Collins on the beautiful ballad, “Only You”.

There are some other hilarious interludes, such as KJ-52 and Todd Collins Presents: Soul Purpose, making this a wonderful release from two talented artists. Expect only more greatness from Soul Purpose.

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Producer: Todd Collins
album release date: July, 2004
Uprok Records

— reviewed by Dwayne Lacy

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