
It's Pronounced FIVE-TWO

KJ-52 is back with another batch of clever rhymes, hilarious skits, incredible music and heartfelt songs, hooking up with the underrated Todd Collins to produce a classic in the making.

CD The song jumps off with KJ Five Two, and no, he is not obsessed with his name. Desiring to dispel all the curiosity concerning his moniker, KJ opens the subject over a Collins beat and Michael Ripoli's funky guitar.

The emcee's plea to Eminem (following up from his previous album —read review), continues with the moving "Dear Slim Part 2".

This time out, KJ informs Eminem that some of his own fans have in fact been touched by his (KJ's) music. The song is by no means a diss on the high-flying secular emcee, as KJ-52 assures Slim Shady that he prays for him every night, instead of condemning him. This one of the many repeat-worthy songs.

KJ delivers the very clever "Cartoon Network" and "47 Emcees", the latter a laudable effort at finding a way to get 47 names of the some of the most popular mainstream artists into one cut. Collins provides a dope beat, sings the hook and lays down a nice Middle-Eastern
Dear Slim
Click for review Not afraid of controversy, KJ-52 addresses his comparisons to Eminem in a cleverly crafted track titled "Dear Slim". This song is a take on Eminem's "Stan" in which KJ writes a letter to Slim Shady detailing their comparisons. While this track isn't designed to start the next Nas v. Jay-Z war, it is crafted to reach out to Eminem and offer him something he probably has never been offered....the love of Christ.

Click here for verse 1, and click here for verse 2 from KJ-52's song, "Dear Slim".

Check out the KJ-52 interview from early 2003.
sitar sample on "Cartoon Network" as KJ does it again, showing that he's in a class all his own when it comes to successfully putting the names of cartoon characters, pop stars and rappers into a relevant message of the Gospel of Jesus Christ.

KJ deals with real issues in the uplifting R&P styled, "Pick Yourself Up", the funny, but real "Check Yourself and the heart-wrenching "Don't Go" (where he tackles the topic of marital strife and divorce). KJ-52 explains the pain of divorce and of having an extended family, but he assures all that God knows how to heal every hurt in these types of situations.

The feel-good songs on the album are "So in Love with You" and, um... "I Feel So Good".

Of the many gems on the album, the standout is "I'm Guilty". KJ starts off with a calm flow, expressing the guilt that sin brings. Then he builds into an intense and powerful plea to God. Again, Todd Collins adds a nice beat as Ripoli adds the rhythm guitar.

The interludes, "Ya Bref Stank" and "Gimme Dat" are hilarious and typical of the multi-dimensional abilities of the artist.

KJ-52 and Todd Collins raise the bar again. The lyrics, KJ's flow and Collins' production are together as good as anything that is played on the radio. Pronounced FIVE TWO is a great album for hip hop heads, parents of youth who like mainstream hip hop, and those who like good quality music.

Take a chance on KJ-52. This emcee will be around for a long time.

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Producer: Todd Collins
album release date: September, 2003
Uprok Records

— reviewed by Dwayne Lacy

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