Israel and New Breed
New Season
Israel Houghton and New Breed usher in a New Season with a musical blast that defies boundaries existing within the Christian music community.
Packaged in a high energy, cross-cultural wrapper, New Season brings together those from every nation and generation to worship the Lord. Worship music is meant to draw focus to Him, and inherently takes our minds off of ourselves, and our differences.
That's what Houghton and New Breed do here; zero in on God in a whole lot of different ways, and in the process, bring us together.
Houghton and crew capture purely unbridled worship where even on the slow songs, energy somehow abounds. Recorded live at Cornerstone Church in Toledo, Ohio, the music style if you must classify it is a melding of R&P-styled praise and worship (à la Fred Hammond), and CCM grooves (maybe some of Bob Carlisle's uptempo tunes).
Aaron Lindsey Speaks Out on Worship
"This is written to provoke thought, to envoke hope, and to ignite passion. I have always understood that culture and background play a big role in the dynamics of a Church's worship......"
Click on above image for the full perspective of New Breed's music director, Aaron Lindsey.
If you allow yourself to hear and feel the spirit in the execution of the music, there will be no need for categorization. It's all about Jesus Christ, and it's all good.
Houghton had a solo release on Warner back in 1997, but this he time calls in a crew of friends to serve as his supporting cast in this experience that is truly corporate worship.
Key collaborations are with co-producer Joe Hogue and with co-arranger and music director Aaron Lindsey
Resulting are many rich selections on New Season. Darrell Evans pens the super-pumped "Trading my Sorrows". I don't think it is meant to be a kid's song, but my four year old has it on replay on HER CD player. The rhythmic melody frames the vigorous vocals, and whether your dance is a head-bob or a quick-footed shout, this song provides the soundtrack to a very grown-up message.
On "Who Is Like the Lord?" former RFCer Danielle Stephens brings her usual melodic flow to the groove that also features some dancing horn lines.
The mellow end of the spectrum brings us the triumphant full harmonies of "There's a Liftin' of the Hands" written by Tim Johnson, and the beckoning "Come Holy Spirit" by Houghton.
The rest of the "Come Holy Spirit Medley" features everybody's favorite worship leader, Keith Staten on the familiar "I Exalt Thee" and the soon to be familiar "You've Won My Affection". Staten is a little more classical in tone this time around, and showcases his broad-reaching adaptable voice. His stuff is no less than spectacular.
"Suddenly" announces its presence with a victorious trumpet war call by Vinnie Ciesielski. Latin percussion and horn licks abound, to bring front and center the cross-cultural focus of the project.
In its very nature, worship music takes us out of the presence of our issues, problems and challenges and ushers us into the presence of the Living God who loves us all. If you "get" worship, you will "get" this New Season.
Excellent in presentation, it is glowing. Diverse in expression, it is inclusive. Pure in worship, it is drawing.
It is indeed a new season. It is indeed a new day.
Producers: Israel Houghton, Joe Hogue
album release date: July 31, 2001 Hosannah! Music
reviewed by Melanie Clark —
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