Read the various columns written by GOSPELflava.com's esteemed columnists. Go back in time and see if you agree about what was said on these pages over the past years.

Deborah Smith Pollard, Ph.D., is the host and producer of "Strong Inspirations", a weekly Gospel radio show airing Sundays, 6 to 10 AM on FM 98 WJLB in Detroit, Michigan, and won the prestigious Stellar Award for "Announcer Of The Year" in 2005. Smith Pollard writes "Static Free", in which she addresses all and any matters relating to Gospel radio.

Chicago-based radio host and Gospel journeyman Gregory Gay pulls from the fascinating and extensive history of Gospel music to present Take Me Back, a column that examines the glory of Gospel music in days gone by.

Dr. John E. Guns is the Senior Pastor of the St. Paul Missionary Baptist Church of Jacksonville, Florida. Dr. Guns writes In The Word for GOSPELflava.com, a regularly-appearing column which addresses various topics pertaining to spiritual guidance, with the Scriptures being the source.

Hip hop artist Sean Slaughter writes on the wide-ranging topic of Gospel hip hop.

Retailer, radio announcer and artist manager are only some of what she does. Quartet enthusiast Ms. Willie McClendon writes a quartet column.

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