RECAP: Live Recording
Ricky Dillard & New G (2013)
The anticipation and excitement for the anniversary reunion celebration of Ricky Dillard and the New Generation Chorale (New G) was at an all time high. People had gathered at New Faith Baptist Church (in Matteson, Illinois) from the four corners of the earth to witness what would be one unforgettable evening and please be advised that the choir master and the ensemble did NOT disappoint.
A long, but memorable evening ensued as New G (with superior musicianship coming from a well assembled band fronted by Rick Robinson "and nem") sang its way down memory lane. The choir was elegantly dressed in silver and black. A slew of former lead singers were positioned for "pass the mic" opportunities including Steve Jones, Keshia McFarland and Bridgette Campbell and the choir, captained by its very capable leader, launched into their hits. Among them were "More Abundantly", "The Promise", "Things Will Work Out (for me)", "If You Miss Me" and "There Is No Way" (getting a little help from Pastor Leandria Johnson).
Cheering the choir on from the audience were Dillard's peers in the industry, namely Dr. Bobby Jones, Byron Cage, Donald Lawrence, James Hall and Lexi.
Chicago came out in full strength to show their support. Among the ranks were Mark Hubbard, Bryant Jones, Dexter Walker, Malcolm Williams, Cinque
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Check out the live recording in images. Photos specially provided to GOSPELflava.com by Jason McCoy Photography.
Photo Gallery of Live Recording
Cullar and Anita Wilson. Dillard shared a touching moment as he took time out to honor Tyrone Block, director of Chicago's Thompson Community Singers (the Tommies) and Dr. Charles G Hayes for their support of the ministry of New G. He went on to remark of how many choir members have gone on to places of elevation in the five-fold ministry.
AND there was new music!!! Now, some things you'll just have to wait for. But be sure to look out for "You're Amazing" and a stellar performance from Ms. Tiff Joy. Lastly (and as everyone knows), there can't be a Ricky Dillard project without a shout. Trust and believe it has been duly covered. It's called "Everything", and we can only pray that the CD will allow you to experience the pandemonium that broke out as a result of the song being sung on that night.
Conclusion? Job well done by Ricky Dillard and New G. We can't wait to see what the second 25 years will have in store.
Special thanks to Jason McCoy Photography for capturing the very essence of the evening in pictures.
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— recap provided by Gregory Gay —
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