Dorinda Clark-Cole
Dorinda Clark-Cole has unveiled I Survive, her first project in three years. The Grammy-winning artist, now on Light Records, packs the album with powerful new songs, including "God Will," "He Brought Me," "Holy One," "This Is Why," and the infectious lead single, "Back To You". Read on as GOSPELflava.com sat down to speak with the legendary singer.
GOSPELflava.com: You are considered a legend in the Gospel music genre with a signature style. For this project did you endeavor to take a different approach?
Dorinda Clark-Cole: I tried to stay true to my fan base. I want to be known as an artist that is consistent. The only song I really took a different approach on it the first single "Back To You". I wanted to present a song that resonated with the younger crowd. I considered the children and grandchildren of the original Clark Sister fans.
GOSPELflava.com: Any new collaborations on this project?
Dorinda Clark-Cole: Yes, this was my first time working with Warryn Campbell on a project. Twinkie and I did a song together on this project ("Thank You"). I also worked with Asaph Ward, my longtime collaborator.
GOSPELflava.com: The album title is I Survived; is this a common thread throughout the project?
The project opens up with an up-tempo track titled, "Holy One", which is filled with wonderful musical elements and transitions. It certainly grabs the listener and piques an interest to hear more. The project then transitions to the Hawkin's favorite, "God Will Take Care of You" featuring some unique arrangements...
Read Full Album Review.
Dorinda Clark-Cole: As I was working on the project, I thought about how I've made it through the last year of my life. I have survived through it all. I wanted people to know that they can survive as well. No matter what has happened they can make it and all things are possible with God. If I can do it, they certainly can.
GOSPELflava.com: As you continue to build as an artist and business woman, what do you want your legacy to be?
Dorinda Clark-Cole: I want people to know that I stand for Jesus Christ. I want them to look at me as a role model and know that it is possible for them to achieve their dreams. It's all about being in the right place at the right time, and allowing God to use you and let your gifts flourish. All of my current ventures were the result of being available for God to use me and taking advantage of the right opportunities. I want people to know that they can do it to, in whatever areas God has truly gifted them in.
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— interview by Nakiyah Hayling —
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