
The Sensational Nightingales
The Gales

The Sensational Nightingales are one of gospel music's most recognized quartets. There famed recognition has led to numerous awards and an induction into the American Gospel Quartet Hall of Fame.

Even with all of their accomplishments, the group, currently consisting of Joseph 'Jo Jo' Wallace, Horace 'Sug' Thompson, Larry Moore and Darrell Luster, finds it fitting to do what they do best —creating memorable music.

CDThe Nightingales' newest 12-track project —which is simple titled The Gales —doesn't stray from the traditional quartet style that has made them so well-known. The album showcases a great balance of slow- and mid-tempo songs, due in large part to Luster, who produced much of the music.

The laid-back songs are quite enjoyable, conveying energy with falling into the pitfall of being droopy. Songs such as "Apart From The Vine", "The Lord Will Provide", and "Since I Called On Jesus" display the Nightingales' anointed vocals. The guitar and organ loaded "Be Steadfast & Stand" is song that will keep your spirit motivated to hold on and stand in God's word.

Some of the most enjoyable mid-tempo songs are "Love One For Another", "Out With The Old", "I Just Couldn't Tell It All", and "Blessed By The Best".

Perhaps the best encouragement song is the testimony-filled "Can I Get A Witness" lead by Luster. The cut will most assuredly get you to sing and shout with him, as he rejoices in his testimony of his battle with diabetes.

The Gales is traditional in instrumental arrangements (lead guitar, bass guitar, organ and piano) throughout the project, and this should not come as a surprise! After all, the Nightingales have been singing the gospel for over six decades now. Perseverance is the order of the day, and The Gales delivers a soulful, spirit-filled, enduring presentation of the gospel.

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Production: Various
album release date: May, 2008
Malaco Records

— reviewed by Michael Poole

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