Stephanie Dotson
About Her Miracle
Stephanie Dotson almost didn’t enter the Gospel Dream competition. A heart for her co-laborer in ministry who was also participating almost kept her from stepping out, but with a little encouragement from her pastor, Bishop Larry Brandon, she entered the contest.
“He told me he felt like this was my time and really pushed me toward my destiny” says Dotson. Fortitude was critical though, when Dotson came in third place at the auditions in New Orleans. Bishop Brandon was undaunted and encouraged her to go back with improvements to the Arkansas audition some two weeks later. Unsure but obedient, Dotson went and eventually won the national title and, as they say, the rest is history.
Music executive Elvin Ross was at the helm of songwriters and song selection that yielded the final result of her debut project, Miracles Still Happen. Featuring duets with both Bishop Paul Morton and Pastor Debra Morton, Dotson pulls out the big guns for this her first effort.
“It was a particular honor to do the song with Pastor Debra. She has opened so many doors for me, allowing me to sing at the women’s conferences and other places. She has been a second mother and mentor to me.”
From Stephanie's Kitchen
"I am the queen of cooking fried chicken. I have a special ingredient that you are not supposed to put in there sugar! But everybody loves my chicken!"
Stephanie Dotson’s Fried Chicken
1 cut-up fryer chicken
lemon pepper
hot sauce
garlic powder
First clean your chicken! Season the chicken with salt, pepper, lemon pepper, hot sauce, garlic powder and a little sugar. Flour the chicken, and then dip in an egg base. Follow with one more coating of flour with all the seasonings in it. Fry until done!!!
Ross’ connection with Tyler Perry proved to be fruitful for Dotson “Elvin was going over the finalization of my CD and working on the music for Tyler Perry’s Madea’s Family Reunion at the same time.” Perry heard some of the project and asked who that was, and basically wrote in a part for her, even though they were just about finished with the taping of the movie.
So from leading praise and worship in church, to a recording contract, to a movie debut, Dotson has had quite a whirlwind of an entrée into the music industry. For proof that miracles still do happen, one need not look any further than Dotson’s journey. Does she attribute it to hard work, or fate? How did all these wonderful things end up coming her way?
“Just to round it all up, my pastor has a saying that I try to live by. And that is that holiness is right! When God shows me favor, it’s not because I’ve been so good, but because I’ve tried to live holy. I’ve had to lose friends and even some family members, but in the end, holiness pays” says Dotson.
“There’s an old COGIC song, ‘Pay Day is Coming After While’ and I believe if we patiently wait on God, it’s coming.”
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— interview by Melanie Clark —
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