These Are Some of Their Favorite Things
The Christmas season holds special promise for an abundance of reasons. That's the case for us, for you, and for Gospel artists too. Dozens of artists this year have let GOSPELflava.com in on what they find especially wonderful about Christmas. Check it out below. These are Some Of Their Favorite Things....
Darien Dennis
- Saturated fats
- "The ITIS" (falling asleep after we eat)
- Appreciation for the family
- The love for our fellow man
- A time to reflect and give thanks
Phillip Bryant
- Christmas concerts
- Being close with family
- The traditional family dinner
- The winter weather
- Giving and receiving gifts
Nakitta Clegg (of the Kurt Carr Singers)
I love Christmas music
- Being with family
- Seeing the expressions on people's faces when they open their gifts
- Decorations
- I love having a legit excuse to shop!!!!!
John Tillery

Christmas is such a joyful time for our family. Every year we look forward to spending time with family and enjoying the holiday. Some of our folks, we don't get a chance to see them but once a year. Sharing life experiences with each other and encouraging one another through our testimonies of God's goodness is a highlight of Christmas. My wife, Katina and I love to give gifts. We bring a big bag full of gifts for everyone, even extra's just in case. And don't forget about the food. My family throws down for Christmas with everything you can imagine. And when the day is over, we go on knowing that, one day together as a family, loving and celebrating the birth of our Savior is one of the highlights of our year.
PJ Morton
- MUSIC!!! Christmas carols are some of the greatest written songs
EVER. That's why they stick around.
- Family.. always brings us together. We have mini concerts at the
crib. Tickets not available! LOL!
- Oddly enough, the smell. I love the smell of Christmas trees
- Attitudes. People's attitudes tend to be a little better during that
Christmas season, but come December 26th... MAYBE Jan 2nd, it's over!
- Giving. It gives an opportunity to share some extra love, which is
always cool.
Craig Crawford
- The spirit of giving.
- The fun of receiving.
- The joy of making someone happy.
- The birth story of Christ coming to us.
- Not receiving socks from my Aunt.
Oscar Williams
- Remembering that more (mas) of Christ is what this whole world needs.
- Playing for the various Baptist Christmas cantatas in town (at least 7 and
wondering why they don’t combine them all how many ways can you portray the
birth of baby Jesus, it only happened one way!)
- Watching the only black Christmas movie ever made, The Preacher's Wife
- Smiling at gifts you have no idea what you will use for
- Waking up a the crack of dawn to go to sunrise Christmas service...
Lucinda Moore
Standing in long lines early in the morning after Thanksgiving to catch
the Wal-Mart electronic Christmas sale.
- Going shopping for clothes for my children and shoe shopping for myself
in New York City. Oh, did I say "shoe shopping"????
- Preparing a big soul food dinner the morning before Christmas for my
family and friends.
- Waking up at 4 AM just to see my children open gifts and watching the
expressions on their faces.
- Listening to my 12-year-old following us on the piano while singing Christmas
carols really churchy, like we were singing for a church revival.
Tramaine Hawkins
Christmas has always meant putting others first just as Christ put us first!
We do things a little different for Christmas. We will be celebrating Jesus Christ with a brunch prepared for family and friends, followed by a play or movie.
Moise "Mama" Burks
A time of renewing a love relationship with my Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.
- Experiencing through the Holy Spirit Gabriel's heavenly announcement to Mary, Jesus' earthly mother.
- Visualizing the heavenly host proclaiming 'Holy, Holy, Holy" at Christ's birth.
- Lights blinking, bells chiming, the twinkling of the star in the East which guided the wiseman.
- Reminiscing the joy and laughter of our children awaiting the fulfillment of their Christmas list of gifts, but the greatest Gift to us all is our Lord and Savior Jesus! Jesus the Holy one.
How the attitude of the world seems to change... even if only for two months. People show more love and care and share in the spirit of the season.
- Focusing on family and teaching the kids the power of the family testimony and legacy in my family we focus more on family than gifts, so we basically have two thanksgiving periods!
- I enjoy church plays and concerts, the one time of year when most of us church folks get along.
- I appreciate how our communities care for the homeless and the less fortunate.
- I like how the holiday makes the world feel: happy, caring, loving and grateful to be alive.
The Anointed Pace Sisters
"Christmas With The Paces" Concert on Christmas night
- Mother Pace's Christmas cakes
- Christmas movies (Miracle on 34th St., It's A Wonderful Life)
- Handmade gum drop Christmas tree
- "The Christmas Song" by Nat "King" Cole.
Dottie Peoples
Giving to others
- Being with family
- Time of year to reflect back on how good GOD has been
- Christmas dinner as Mommas (ham, chitterlings, collard greens, corn bread, sweet potato pie, etc.)
- You already know I love shopping
Myron Butler
Spending time with my
family, teaching my children the real meaning of
- I love the music of Christmas it's timeless.
- I love and enjoy helping others who are in need.
- I enjoy the smile on my children's face when Christmas
morning finally comes
Spending time with my family. That’s a good time. It’s one day that I know that my husband’s not on the road.
- I love watching my kids getting up in the morning and enjoying themselves.
- It’s good going to church on Christmas morning. I really love my church family.
- I love all of the decorations. It just makes me feel good.
- Even if I don’t get anything, just giving to someone else makes me feel good. It’s not about receiving to me. I love to make someone else happy. That does it for me.
Luther Barnes
I simply love well-decorated Christmas trees and multi-colored lights.
- Oh how I love Christmas music. They are the best. Oh, the carols. Ahh...
- I love the over-all Christmas spirit and the fact that it gererally makes people nicer and closer.
- I love the fact that the Christmas holidays provide me a little downtime from a year of hard work and travels.
- Christmas is a time for giving, and to me that is absolutely wonderful.
Bonus: Christmas is for children, so that includes me. Yes, I am still a child at heart!
Sweet potato pie
- Seeing my Mama & family
- Christmas lights
- Singing happy Birthday to Jesus
- Playing with my kids toys
Martha Munizzi
I love stringing the lights and the smell of the tree and watching my kids decorate with the ornaments they've made over the years.
- I love watching my kids agonize over wrapped presents under the tree wishing they had X-ray vision and could see if they had gotten what they asked for.
- I love that living in Florida means you never know how cold it's going to be. One year it got down to 15 degrees and we lost power for 24 hours and had to cook our food in the fireplace. The next year it was so warm we were able to go swimming on Christmas Day!
- I love spending time with both sides of my family and celebrating different traditions. My Mom loves to cook southern food. Mashed potatoes, turnip greens sweet potato casserole and pumpkin pie. My husbands family cooks a traditional Italian meal every year. Baked ziti, chicken parmesan, manicotti and cannolis. It's all good!!!
- I love Christmas. I love the music, the celebrations, the time spent with my family and I love Jesus. He's the real reason for this incredible season because without Him there would be no reason to celebrate!
Brent Jones
Shop till I drop. I love the crowds in the mall! And all the holiday hype.
- Spending quality time with my daughter
- Eating my wife's cooking.
- Decorating my house. It's very theraputic.
- Acting like I was too broke to buy gifts for my family and then
surprising them with bling bling!
Darlene McCoy

This is my favorite time of year because it's a time when my children
act their best in hopes of getting all they want for Christmas. My
favorite movie is 'How the Grinch Stole Christmas' with Jim Carey. I love
to visit my family members. We take the time to reflect on the year and
look into the incoming year reflecting on the fact that the God of the
universe sent His son Jesus and He brought us through one year and
because He is our Saviour we can face the coming year...
Vickie Winans
- Sharing with family
- Celebrating the birth of christ
- Surprising those that are less fortunate
- Singing christmas carols
Isaiah-Raymond Dyer (of Raymond & Co.)
- Spending time with the Family
- Seeing the expressions on my kids faces as they unwrap their gifts!!
- Eating Lots of Food!!!!
- Going to parties
- Putting up Christmas decorations
DeNetria Champ
Caroling and sharing the love of Christ
- Spending time with loved ones
- Good soul food
- Watching the joy on the faces of my nephew when he opens his gift
- Listening to my favorite Christmas music
Marvin Winans Jr.
I love the music, the cheer, and the wealth of joy the Christmas season
I love the smiling faces and well lit places and the songs that
children sing!
But most of all I love the thought I have every Christmas day,
That the Love of God was made so real when Jesus came to stay.
Norman Hutchins
- Celebrating the King of Kings on His birthday
- Sharing with family and friends
- Brightening the day for those less fortunate
- Taking food to the sick and shut-ins
- Christmas Day service at our church
Maurette Brown Clark
- Of course, celebrating Jesus! (but everyday is a day to celebrate Him)
- My kids' eyes as they see the tree and open up their presents
- The hugs I get from those same kids.
- Reminding my family and friends how much I love them.
- Did I mention my kids?!?!?
Antonio Neal

One of my favorite things about Christmas is seeing our 3 children light
up while opening gifts from friends and family. My wife and I just step
back and watch paper fly all over the room and hear the sounds of "oooh
and look at this!" It brings backs so many memories of my brothers,
sister and I just not being able to sleep because of what would happen
the next day... I just love the smell of the christmas trees and the
atmosphere that the season of Christ brings. Christmas reminds me of
family and that it's simply about Love!!!
DeWayne Woods
- I'm from the midwest, so I love the snow and how it creates the vision of a white Christmas.
- Family gatherings, interacting and having fun!
- Christmas Dinner!!!
- The creativity of different Christmas church productions. I go to every play, musical and church service I can to help others celebrate the birth of our Lord and Savior.
- Shopping!!! Christmas is the best time to use as an excuse to go shopping!!
Stay tuned for lots more....
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— feature by Stan North —
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